Monday, May 21, 2012

Gulf Shores, Alabama - Vacation 2012

Our Vacation

Pool pictures

Practicing swimming

We went to the beach a few times.  Not daily.  Oliver would have huge melt-downs about sand in his eyes & to this day he still can't stand anything touching his eyes - it is RIDICULOUS! :0)

Beach photos
 Building a sand castle with daddy

At the Zoo - The Little Zoo that Could (that is its name) this zoo was gross...not to mention the ONLY thing separating me & a lion was a chain link fence...yeah.

Our condo

This is how they rode to & from

We had a great time!!  My mom joined us on vacation & we left Friday night around 9 p.m. and drove through the night.  This did NOT go well :0)  I don't remember everything we did or in the order.  We went to the pool a lot, went to the beach, went out for lunch daily, went for ice cream one night, went to the zoo, went to the outlet mall & just hung out.  We read a lot of books, took naps & had yummy drinks!

Sorry for the lack of details, there are a lot but I just can't seem to focus enough right now to put all my thoughts together!  Hope you enjoyed!


  1. I did enjoy! Love Gia's smile in the picture of the 4 of you at the zoo!

  2. it was a great trip as the memories of the drive there and back recede!!! thanks for not posting any pictures of me!!

    love mom
