Monday, April 23, 2012

Hi! I am the new neighbor :0)

This is a picture of our sliding door that goes out to our back patio.  Today this door played a big roll...Notice, close to the handle of the door there is lock.  The lock is down which means it is locked.  Here is the story!

It was 11 a.m. I got lunch made - peanut butter & jelly, grapes & string cheese along with their milk's.  I thought well both children are happy & content & each have a plate full of food & they have their new cd (from Bonnie) playing loudly.  So I decided to run out the garage door through the laundry room door which was shut then out into the garage to get the trash can in (we had our trash picked up this morning) I lazily do this & then think hmm I might as well go check the mail - none.

I head back inside and to my surprise the door has locked behind me.  I stand their pounding on the door SCREAMING Oliver's name for 5 min. because he knows how to open doors now & it is not locked from the inside.  He never comes....

I run around the house to the back (the picture) I knock on the door & tell Oliver to move the baby gate which keeps the door locked b.c. supposedly these doors are easily to break into.  He does so successfully!

Then I try to get him to push the lock up to OPEN the door.  The very first try he touches the lock and I am like YAY!  Now push up! And then at the point it all went down hill.  Now as I am standing there peering in at them I focus my attention on Gia who is starting to cough & and I can hear her gagging & gasping for air (remember she is eating lunch...) I watch her and think breathe, breathe....I gave her probably 3 seconds and then I was running to get a bat & break a window.  I am thinking I am not going to watch my child choke to death...She BREATHES! WHEW!

After at least 15 min. of trying to get him to do this I run to the front door - maybe it is open?  NOPE!

I go back to the patio tell him to go out to the garage.  He is starting to get very confused...I go and bang, bang, bang - nothing.  He is not there...I walk around the front and see he sitting in the toy room sad & confused.

I run, literally run to several neighbors houses NO ONE is home.  Now realize I am panicking at this point!  I have no phone, I have NO phone numbers memorized any more except dusty's (he left his phone at his parents the night before) so I had no one to call either.  Finally I remember I have a church phone book in my car, I grab it because Debi has a spare key.  I see that someones garage is open so I run to their house.

Hi!  I am new to the neighborhood & I am locked out of my house I have 2 babies inside and can I PLEASE use your phone?!?!  The lady lets me in!  I call Mom F. once - no answer.  I start to get very panicky!  I think in my head answer the phone b.c. I am going to call you until you do!  Second time she answers!  I tell her I am locked out & need her to come let me in NOW.  She says she will but at first she didn't understand the severity, she thought first we were all together, then she thought they were napping...

She is there in 10 min. and we get into the house, I run in and check on my poor little Gia & give Oliver a big hug telling him he did a good job! (he was very sad by the whole thing) I glance at the clock & notice I have been locked out of the house for at least 40 min....

Something neat out of it was that Mom F. did not have her phone on her.  She had been cleaning her Knit shop & happened to be walking outside at the time, heard her phone ring & answered it - THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

Needless to say I will be working with Oliver on unlocking & locking the back door.  Trying to get a 2 1/2 year old to follow instructions is pretty impossible at times.

Hope you enjoyed!  I will have an update on our house & vacation shortly! (hopefully :0) )


  1. not so good that I made sure that back garage door locked yesterday when I left...


  2. OH MY!! I would have been SO panicky too! I'm glad it all turned out okay. Can't wait to see pictures of the house and vacation too! -Alys
