Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2 1/2 Months Later

Sorry to those of you who check from time to time to see if I have updated.  Life has been slightly crazy (I'm sure it has for you also) so my apologies for those you who do check!  Here is a little snippet of what has gone on in the last 2 1/2 months.  I promise to post more in detail about our Christmas's, New Years & what we did over Dusty's week off!  


Happy Halloween!  Gianna was a Ghost & Oliver was a Dragon.
We had a lot of fun, we went to about 10 houses & then had to continue on to visit everyone.  Oliver loved it & was VERY upset that we had to stop Trick or Treating

Not much happened in November....We went to my A. Cheryl's for Thanksgiving & got to visit with family that we hadn't seen for awhile.

December 16 & 17 we headed up to Chicago with Dusty's Family.  Gianna went swimming for the first time & enjoyed herself.  Oliver had fun with Daddy jumping in, being thrown & being his natural fearless self :0)

Christmas time!  This was actually before we went to Chicago.  We did this the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Oliver & his ornament he made with Daddy at Bass Pro Shop - Whenever I ask Oliver which ornament was his favorite/prettiest he always went & picked this one! So cute - he was truly proud of it!

Cookie baking time!  Made 3 batches of Peanut Blossoms for Dusty.  He ate them all!

Oliver & I decorated sugar cookies on another day.  The night that I rolled them, cut them & baked them was very dramatic.  I was so excited to bake cookies with Oliver & then we were going to watch the Polar Express, well someone decided to to not eat dinner & so he sat at the table for 2 hrs!  I baked while he sat there whining, crying & etc. and Dusty played with Gia - it was NOT the night we were planning on.  Memorable none the less :0)

Sorry it is sideways....This is Dust & Oliver setting up the little Christmas tree.  This was also done the weekend after Thanksgiving.

 Diaper cake that I made for Alyssa's Necessities Baby Shower.  It is a little disheveled BUT I put it together in 30 min. so I thought it turned out pretty good.  It was my first time too!

Alyssa & all her diapers, wipes & gifts!

Our Christmas morning Dec. 23

Baked Oatmeal for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch & frozen pizza for dinner - not what I had in mind but with less than 24 hrs notice that we would be celebrating that day it was what it was.

Oliver sitting in front of all the gifts.

Playing with his gifts.  Whenever I say "Oliver say CHEESE!" for some reason he smiles really big and CLOSES his eyes...I have no idea why - but its cute :0)

Playing with their big gift - Art Easel Whiteboard on one side Chalk on the other but you can hang paper on the sides & color with crayons & markers - He LOVES it!

Christmas Eve at Dusty's parents.  We tried to get all 3 grand kids to sit together & it just didn't work.  Thankfully Gia decided to cooperate!

Oliver opening his gift from Abe - ink pad & stamps

Christmas morning!!!!  Stockings! (more photos to come of Christmas Day activities)

Playing farm together - I absolutely LOVE this picture of Gia!  Her eyes & smile with the paci in is just too cute!

Gia's first Christmas!  She loved all the paper :0)

Oliver's new favorite past time - his computer game!  I used my Pampers rewards points and got him this.  He LOVES it!

Gianna's new favorite past time - playing piano!  She pounds on the keys and dances & smiles big looking around to see if anyone is looking.  Very cute!

Dusty & Gianna Christmas Eve night

Thanks for reading & viewing the pictures!  I have a couple posts to put up - Christmas details, Dusty's Christmas break (our projects), Baby Food & New Year's Resolutions!  Stay tuned!

-Blessings to you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. very cute pictures...her feet look huge in the one with the my 1st Christmas....
