Oliver turned 2 on 10.11.11 - we started the day by dropping Gia off to be watched and headed to the doctors for Oliver's 2 year check up, we like to be pretty exact :0) haha. He did HORRIBLE the worst he has ever done, he didn't want to be weighed, he didn't want to be measured, basically he didn't want to be LOOKED at! It was def. his 2nd birthday :0)
We then headed over to the library and he played there for about an hour - they have a train set, dress up clothes, puppets, castle & etc. he loves to go there & play and it is hard with Gia with us so we went without her :0)
After the library we headed to Hamilton Square to pick up Daddy. We then drove around before we decided on eating lunch at Monicals. Funny side note: we were reading in Dusty's baby book sun. night after Ollies birthday and saw that dusty went to Monicals on his 2nd birthday! Crazy. Anyways we had a very nice relaxed meal & Oliver got his own soda which he LOVED he couldn't stop burping!
After lunch we headed over to Bass Pro Shop. Dusty had been wanting to go & heard they had a fish tank (under statement!) Oliver LOVED it! He loved looking at the fish he caused a big scene by being so excited :0) He then went to an area where there were a lot of deer heads on the wall and he said "OH WOW!" at this point I was looking through all the clothing - not bad stuff ladies!
We went and picked up Gia, came home & took naps had dinner and then Oliver and I made fun-fetti cupcakes - here are the pictures
putting batter into the tins |
Unfortunetly there are no more pictures of his actual birthday, we had the camcorder out instead. He opened presents & got lots of Veggie Tales items including: ball, coloring book, t-shirt, cd & then some books & a airplane with "little people" He didn't take one bite of his birthday cupcake just threw a fit because he couldn't keep blowing the candle out!
before I was able to take a picture of the cake Oliver stuck his hand in it - he got very upset! I think he probably thought it was just a toy or something. |
birthday banner that Dusty & I made |
Daddy, Gia & her party dress & Oliver in his Bob & Larry shirt |
Menu consisted of: Sweet Potato Fries |
Individual Ketchup cups |
Italian Beef w/ Mozzarella or Provolone & not pictured: chips & dip, lettuce salad & apples with caramel dip |
cake table |
Birthday cake! |
Present & Cake Time!
Shopping Cart & "food" from Grandma |
Ohhh...He was EXCITED! They each went flying out of the box in pure joy! |
Thats right, inside the box was a Bob, Larry, Junior & Laura - he has since given Laura to Gia :0) |
2 Veggie Tales dvd's from Great Grandma & Grandpa
Not pictured: A magnetic drawing board, elmo bus block set, a car that shakes & goes, hot wheels cars, 2 pairs of shoes a check, savings bond & the velveteen rabbit book |
mmm chocolate - he actually preffered the white I found out later |
family photo - I have a feeling we wont be getting a decent one for a LONG time :0) |
dusty did this... |
Here is Gia playing in her excersaucer and Oliver has given her a lot of his new toys...you can see bob & larry & the drawing board, I am sure there is more in there that you just can't see :0)
Well that is all. Oliver is another year older, a little or shall I say a lot more independent his favorite phrase lately is "OLLIE DO!!!!" Thanks for reading & I hope to have another one up in about a week of just some odds and ends. Have a lovely fall day!
p.s. - sorry for the spelling errors the spell check was NOT working :0)
good pictures...it was a very memorable event..he is a very typical 2 yr old "it is all about me" gia will be competing with him at his next birthday party!!!
ReplyDeletelove grandma
Awww, Happy Birthday Oliver!!! Wonderful pictures! It looks like it was such a fun party! I love the theme too :) Did you make the cakes? They were awesome!