Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spit - Fire

This is Gia.  She is my "spit-fire" child.
Here are some facts/things about Gia you may or may not know.
  • Blond
  • Blue eyes
  • Tall
  • Thin
  • Loud
  • Energetic
  • Compassionate
  • Nurturing
  • 100% Lovable
  • Crazy
  • Smart
  • Stubborn
  • Outgoing
  • Dramatic
  • Purposeful
Someone the other day called her a spit fire and I think it fits perfectly!  She is little & mighty!!  The name came up when I was talking to someone who also goes to CBS.  She asked if I had kids & I said yes one in toddler nursery and one in pink sheep.  After awhile she must have heard me talking about Gia & said "You are Gia's mom?!?" "would she have been in the baby nursery last year" I said "yes" and she proceeded to say "Oh Wow!  I remember her, she is a little spit-fire!"

This made me laugh because she is just that!  She has proven to be a handful repeatedly but as of lately she is NOT a joy to go out in public with! 

Trials of Gia our Spit-fire!

Yesterday we had a melt down at Aldi because I didn't get a cart for her to sit in, then another one because she didn't get to carry the sugar...She proceeded to lay down in the middle of the floor kicked & screaming while yelling "NO!" & "NO I NOT!" at me.  We started to count and talk discipline and problem solved! 

Today we had T.A.G. at church and guess what?  It was time to go and another meltdown came.  I literally drug her out (I think she actually liked the "ride") and we had another going down the stairs...

Then we got to Joann Fabric to buy some buttons and what do you know?  Another melt down as we are leaving because she refuses to hold my hand outside. I am trying to hold the door open for Oliver, she gets lose & runs for the road as a car is driving by, quickly. I let go of the door (it slams on Oliver & knocks him to the ground) grab Gia by the arm just in time so she doesn't literally get hit by the car! Run back over open the door so Oliver isn't stuck in it & begin our journey to the car...With both kids crying (Oliver because I think he actually got hurt & Gia because she didn't get to run in the road freely) I am just happy both kids are safe & not injured...Phew!

And now as I am finishing up writing this blog she comes up to me & I pick her up she proceeds to not be very kind & so I tell her to stop.  She says "NO, NO I NOT!" and whacks me in the face...Needless to say she is in time out being mouthy to herself :0)

To end, I love her so much she really does bring such joy & it is so fun to watch her grow up!  She loves taking care of us & her babies, singing, talking & dancing. Like I said she is very lovable, nurturing & compassionate & that makes for a delightful daughter!!!  We love our GiGi!!!


  1. Love you Gia!! I can't say I've experienced a public meltdown yet, but I'm sure I will--Charlie is way more of a handful than Abe was. Maybe it's a middle child thing?

  2. Maybe it is the age and the girl thing? Evie is also quite dramatic now, so to speak!

