Yesterday (Mon.) was such a beautiful day and I wanted to do something fun with the kids that I thought if tomorrow is just as nice we are going to go to the Zoo!! Last year we purchased a Family Membership from the Zoo (tax deductible by the way) that gets our whole family in free each time & then we are allowed 1 guest. Did you know we also get into other Zoo's free? This was great for when we visited Ryan and Alyssa because the Milwaukee Zoo is pretty pricey...
Anyways I was thinking about how I could just make it a nice easy laid back trip. So first I tried giving Nana a call to see if she wanted to join me 2 adults 2 kids doesn't get much easier...She couldn't so I thought well maybe we will go alone...Nah the kids will enjoy being with other kids & I want to talk to someone :0) So we invited Mindy & her girls. It was so nice to walk casually and just chat while the kids ran up ahead or at times drug their feet behind us. It was also great because hardly anyone was there!
Anyways here are some pictures of our trip to the Zoo & thanks Kaisner Girls for joining us!
Today they had people out show casing animals they had this turtle & then later a rabbit (no pics) Here is Gia with the turtle (she loved it) |
Oliver was the true "man" of the group as he would approach any and every animal and want to pet it. Mazie was a little more nervous but notice Anna isn't even around :0) |
This is hilarious because Gia totally photo bombed the picture! |
At the beginning playing on the "Whale Car" as he called it, they would all line up on the slide & the person in front would drive. Oh the things kids think up! |
Cheesin' Gia |
Mazie girl such a cutie |
Anna striking a pose! |
I was too late on this one but it was super cute they were all smooshed together with their butts lined up looking in |
Picnic Lunch - they all wanted what the other kids had |
The favorite item of the day - sunglasses. He didn't seem to mind the fact that they are purple & flowers |
Gia's turn on the camel |
Well thanks for reading - hopefully I am not updating the blog too much! :0) But who doesn't love looking at lots of pictures with not a lot of reading??
Thanks for inviting us! Hard to believe how warm it was that day. So ready for more days like that! We had a great time!