The opening was by Jill Savage & a few things I learned from that were:
- Stretch marks are a badge of honor from having children! (this was funny & encouraging to me as baby #3 will only create more & deepen the ones already there)
- There is no ENVIABLE life
- Don't compare yourself to others because while comparing yourself to someone else someone is always being put down, whether it is you or the other person (I didn't learn this there but it reminded me of it)
-----note: this was by far my least favorite & most disappointing. Why? Because I expected it to be about "wordliness" and how we don't need all the stuff we have (tv, excessive money (we don't have this lol) new cars, clothes & etc.) instead it was about having less stress (which I don't have much of) less activities (we don't have this either, kids are too young) & less money (this wasn't addressed) So what did I learn from this?
- What is the opposite of Poverty??? Initially lets be honest all or most of you think wealth/rich, am I right? Well what was eye opening to me was that the opposite of poverty isn't being crazy rich it is ENOUGH. Enough is the opposite of poverty, enough money, enough food, enough clothes - not an excessive amount just enough. I loved that & unfortunetly that's about all I liked...
I had to sneak into this class because it was too full when I signed up & oh I loved this one!! So many great tips & tools! Note: Screaming can also mean - flipping out, yelling, snapping & etc. it was just the word used for the topic.
- Screaming is a rut/habit - You can to work on making it NOT a habit
- Most likely to scream when - overwhelmed, tired, stressed, LATE & not feeling well
- Least likely to scream when - rested, calm, getting things done these next two made me laugh....when the kids are cooperating & when people are around
- How can you become confident & controlled instead???
- Plan every commitment (laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, gym, doctor EVERYTHING)
- Figure out what could be the one thing that tips you over the edge (don't add to an already busy day just say NO)
- Have a break & hiding place
- Clear expectations & clear consequences (I have started doing this)
- Set a timer at dinner time when Oliver isn't eating & tell him that he has xx minutes to finish his food, if the the timer goes off he has to go to time out & then we repeat...So far the timer has worked EVERY time.. She suggested this for cleaning, chores & etc. but we used it for what was needed for us.
- Preschoolers don't think logically they think magically (imagination)
- What is imaginary is more real than what is actually real
- I learned that trying to reason with Oliver that monsters don't exist isn't calming his fear so I let him believe the good monsters stay & the bad monsters go to Great Grandmas where they get put into a DIRT PIT COVERED with GRASS, WATER & DIRT! I have no clue where he got this but that's okay because it keeps him feeling safe :0)
- 3 Spledid Truths to lean into
- There is NO perfect to achieve
- Great moms don't happen on accident (it takes work!)
- God has your back
- Seven Habits
- Put themselves 1st when it comes to spiritual development (fit your day around God)
- Engage in a spiritual walk that has little to do with being a wife or a mom
- Have a team of support (husband, friends, mentor etc.)
- They continue to invest in who they were BEFORE they were a mom
- They develop their mom finesse & resilence (mom skills, invite another person to speak into you & encourage you)
- They keep their sense of humor (see the funny vs. the frustrating)
- They parent with the end in mind (today is just a snap shot, building leaders, moms &dads of tomorrow & never give up)
Then we headed to dinner & dessert & back home to Peoria. It was such a blessing to get out with other mom's having struggles also. I came back with new tools to use in my home & refreshed mind set!
I hope you will be hearing of me more!!! Until next time - Hugs!
ps - spell check isn't working, sorry!
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