Baby Girl Funk :0)
This is her profile

So it seems we found out what we are having...Now let me explain :0) As we waited for the sonogram tech to come in, we were still debating, we were actually still debating it when she was scanning my belly. She had the wand on the "parts" & I was looking at dusty & dusty knew it was a girl, without saying anything. He is very good at figuring stuff out on the sono, much better than me. So here she is with the second of these pictures on the screen & says "do you want to know?" and I said "yah..." & then she said "It's a girl!" & I then said "are you kidding me??" She said "nope" and pointed & explained :0) So even if I had said no I don't want to find out, dusty already knew so I would have known anyways....
With tears rolling down my cheeks I couldn't help but keeping thinking, is this real?
Needless to say we are both very excited to be having a little girl!
And here it is showing it's a girl!

I have no clue why some of this is underlined...I couldn't change it :0)
grandma is very excited for a little girl to join your oliver has it all..a big brother and a little sister =)