Thursday, June 2, 2011

Picture Update

Enjoying a blueberry ginger smoothie out of his own big boy cup, the other side has a Tiger!

Being a boss to Monte

He eats his Cheez - its out of the box

This was a rainy day where we were both restless so we put away old toys & got out "new" He was so proud of himself that he brought all his new toys out to the hallway & admired them :0)

Daddy & Oliver built this tower. Once it gets to a certain height he gets too nervous to knock it down.

Here he is pretending he is going to knock it down.

Our water park. He loves it! We bought it at the Loving Shepard Ministries Auction. I highly recommend going this year!

Going down the slide. He needed help getting up it at first but by the end of the hour & half playing in the "park" he pretty much got the hand of it.

1 comment:

  1. Water park looks SO FUN! He looks ilke a big boy in these pictures!
