Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I have been thinking a lot lately about "immunity" & so as my homemade croutons (garlic cheese, for those who care) are cooking I am going to write, I mean blog. The word immunity first came to me the other week when I found out that a fellow brother & sister in Christ had just had there baby & like many in the world the baby had complications. I thought about it briefly & about how lucky I was to have healthy little Oliver, I said a few prayers & it quickly left my mind.

Later my loving mother (who tells me things that then place a burden on my heart normally) tells me about Trace again & about his upcoming surgery. So here I sit thinking, Oh My! I forgot to pray, I can't believe it!!! So the next day I focus everything I have in me to pray for this little boy whenever I can, this was difficult, it was a work day which means I babysit (7th grader, 4th grader, 4yr. old twin boys & a 9 mo. old!!!) but I managed! So i quickly got in the car, called my mom and asked how the surgery went, postponed! WHAT! Well he needed the prayers anyways b.c. he had an infection but the surgery is tom. (wed.) So I will be fervently praying!

Anyways to get to my point, which is immunity, I discovered I have made myself become immune to the things around me. I come to the realization of things & I pray but then it slips my mind. I could say well its b.c. I work & have a baby & husband & house but the fact of the matter is that it is Satan. Satan is getting inside my head and blotting out all the things I need to pray for & I have not learned to overcome him in this area, until now.

There seems to have been so much death & bad news around me lately. First my Grandmother passes away at the age of 87, that is okay though this will be a relief for her, as I have come to the knowledge f/ an Aunt that she has come back to the Lord in the last year, Praise Jesus! Then perfect Trace who has his heart conditions, then 2 deaths in my home town, what a tragedy a father & son being killed instantly leaving a wife/mom & a son/brother behind and all the while in the last year close friends fighting against the cancer that took over then miraculously went away & is now back with a vengeance. And also a distant family member battling a brain tumor, who has just recently been sent to be with the the Prince of Peace in Heaven.

I think that I have become immune because my life is just so busy (not compared to some I realize) & I haven't been there and don't realize what it is like to go through these things. My prayer life lately has been so consumed with Dusty & a job, Oliver & all my worries for him, esp. weight which I learned to give to the good Lord & trust that Oliver is a healthy little boy who just takes after his mommy as a baby & his daddy as an adult, those that I feel aren't saved, family members seeking direction in life & myself. I have been through a lot in life, mostly private stuff, nothing to the extent of death & disease to those that are close to me & so it is easy for me to be forgetful or shall I say immune to it. Sometimes I think I need to write on my bedroom mirror all the people that need prayer. Not b.c. I look in the mirror a lot but because it is so big & I see it before I go to bed & when I get up, so with that.

This is a pledge, a pledge to you, to them & to God the Father most of all. I will not let Satan defeat me, I will pray for these dear friends & family with passion & power. I will not be Immune to death & disease any longer. As a body of Christ we are called, called to what? Hurt when they hurt, praise when they praise & weep when they weep. And that is what I will do.

Psalm 55:17
Evening and morning, and at noon, I will pray and cry aloud; and He shall hear my voice.

1 Timothy 2:8
Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree and have often strived to be more vigilant in my prayer life only to have in wane again..please hold me accountable.
